Address - for each category of accommodation:
Lanterna Apartments:
52465, Tar, Lanterna 11, Croatia
45°17'43.4"N 13°34'43.6"E
Check-in at the festival site is possible from 7am to 1am daily, but please be aware that rooms may not be ready till 11am. (If you have booked an extra day before festival start, please check in at your hotel and pick up your festival wristband at the check-in tent outside the gate on the day the festival begins.)
We offer bus transfers from Vienna and Graz. Please note that at least 40 people have to sign up for the bus trip in order for us to be able to offer it. The departure is always one day before the festival - so that you arrive on the morning of the festival start.
Departure times and locations are subject to change before the festival, so please check the final info email you will receive around 1 week ahead of the festival.
Chartered bus from and to Graz
Chartered bus from and to Vienna
The best guests are those who arrive safely. ÖAMTC, our new travel partner, offers true all-round protection. Check out their travel services (route planner, country information, travel radar etc.) for Croatia in the link below plus more benefits i.e. their famous Assistance Booklet featuring the new telemedicine service.
Travel services Croatia (in German)
Länder-Info für Kroatien | ÖAMTC (oeamtc.at)
Sommerurlaub in Kroatien – alles zu Anreise, Neuigkeiten und Co. | ÖAMTC (oeamtc.at)
New Assistance Booklet benefit telemedicine (in German)
Telemedizin - Rundum versorgt auf Reisen | ÖAMTC (oeamtc.at)
As part of our green initiative, we encourage sharing rides with fellow festival attendees if you have available seats. Not only does this save money and reduce environmental impact, but it also provides an opportunity to connect with new friends!
Join our annual ride-share group here for the best chance to find co-passengers.
Croatia, Pula (50min)
Croatia, Zagreb (3h)
Italy, Venice (2h)
Italy, Triest (1,5h)